
Twitter under one person's control frightens Internet safety experts - The Washington Post

Social media industry safety professionals and outside experts who’ve spent years trying to slow the empowerment of tyrants and violent mobs by Facebook and other platforms are aghast that a second major company might come under the control of just one person — especially one complaining that Twitter places too many limits on what can be posted on its site.

In tweets and a TED conversation that followed his surprise bid last week to take Twitter private, billionaire Elon Musk has decried decisions to bar some users as censorship and said moderation that blunts the spread of legal but offending content as going too far.

“If it’s a gray area, let the tweet exist,” Musk said Thursday.

Such comments alarm those whose experience has been that unfettered speech makes social media platforms unusable and that lightly controlled speech favors those who can direct thousands to make versions of the same point, which is then amplified by algorithms designed to maximize engagement and thereby advertising dollars.

“This is a disaster, and it’s not only about Elon Musk, but he kind of puts it on steroids,” said Shoshana Zuboff, a retired Harvard Business School professor and author of “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism,” which says that the money coming from the collection of data about human behavior is the lifeblood of a new and thus far nearly unregulated era.

Zuboff’s work argues that Facebook, Twitter and others extract as much data about users as possible and then attempt to maximize their time on the site because that earns them money. But platforms, she argues, aren’t neutral — in driving users’ online interests, they alter not only discussions but also beliefs and even physical actions, encouraging people to do what they otherwise would not, such as joining real-world protests.

Billionaire Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and founder of SpaceX, offered on April 13 to buy Twitter for $54.20 a share. (Video: Reuters)

Putting so much power in the hands of one company is bad enough — but putting it in the hands of one person, as is largely the case with Facebook’s controlling shareholder, Mark Zuckerberg, and would be the case with a Musk-owned Twitter — would be, she says, incompatible with democracy.

“There are simply no checks and balances from any internal or external force,” Zuboff said in an interview. It would leave Musk, like Zuckerberg, with an amount of assembled data about people and the ability to use it to manipulate them “that cannot be compared to anything that has ever existed, and allows intervention into the integrity of individual behavior and also the integrity of collective behavior.”

“Zuckerberg sits at his celestial keyboard, and he can decide day by day, hour by hour whether people are going to be more angry or less angry, whether publications are going to live or die,” she said. “With anti-vax, we saw the same power of Mr. Zuckerberg can be applied to life and death.”

Facebook did not respond to a request for comment. Musk did not answer emailed questions.

Zuckerberg, at least, has a board of directors and the Securities and Exchange Commission to look after the interests of shareholders. A private Twitter would not have even that.

Zuboff thinks whole new institutions must come to life in the next decade to govern information spaces.

Behind the controversy over Musk’s bid is a years-long debate about whether tech executives already hold too much control over online speech.

If Musk takes control of Twitter, that could add pressure on American policymakers to regulate social media companies, former officials told The Post.

One person holding “near monopoly control” over a social network could only increase these worries among policymakers, said Bill Baer, a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution who previously led antitrust enforcement at both the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice.

“To have one individual who is an unpredictable commodity — to put it mildly — in control of such an important communications platform likely will make a lot of people nervous," Baer said.

In interviews, former Democratic regulators and anti-monopoly advocates said Musk’s bid for Twitter underscores the need for Congress to pass legislation governing the Internet. Tom Wheeler, the former Democratic chair of the Federal Communications Commission, said Musk’s moves underscore the need for the creation of a new regulator that would oversee the tech industry.

“What we need is a First Amendment-respecting process in which the government doesn’t dictate content but does cause there to be an acceptable behavioral code,” he said.

Even professionals who think that social media is a net good say that Twitter as Musk envisions it would be terrible for users and investors.

The past few years have spawned any number of Twitter knockoffs catering to those who feel muzzled by the original, including Gab and Parler, but none has taken off in the mainstream.

That’s not an accident, said Alicia Wanless, the director of the Carnegie Endowment for Peace’s Partnership for Countering Influence Operations. People want basic rules in the same way they would avoid a nightclub that turns a blind eye to casual violence.

“Musk can buy Twitter and try to take it back to some nostalgic lost Eden of the early days of the Internet, but platforms with the least community standards, like Gab, hardly rank because it isn’t a good business,” Wanless said.

Eva Galperin of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, who has helped protect global rights activists from government hacking and ordinary people from domestic stalking, said she “would be concerned about the human rights and personal safety impacts of any single person having complete control over Twitter’s policies. I am particularly concerned about the impact of complete ownership by a person who has repeatedly demonstrated that he does not understand the realities of content moderation at scale.”

Citing Musk’s support for allowing anything legal, she added: “Twitter’s content moderation practices leave a lot to be desired, but they tried the policies that Musk seems to favor more than a decade ago, and it did not work.”

A pullback in moderation would disproportionately harm women, minorities and anyone out of favor with the establishment, civil rights advocates said.

“Without rules of the road, we’re going to be put in harm’s way," said Rashad Robinson, president of the racial justice group Color of Change. “Our protections cannot be up to the whims of billionaires.”

Alex Stamos, the former Facebook chief security officer who called out Russian disinformation on that platform during the 2016 election, said Musk’s notion of Twitter as public square for free expression was divorced from the reality of many individuals and failed to acknowledge that it would give more power to the most powerful.

Without moderation, Stamos said, “anybody who expresses an opinion ends up with every form of casual insult ranging to death and rape threats. That’s the baseline of the Net. If you want people to be able to interact, you need to have basic rules.”

“When you talk about a public square, it’s a flawed analogy. In this case, the Twitter town square includes hundreds of millions of people who can interact pseudo-anonymously from hundreds of miles away. A Russian troll farm can invent hundreds of people to show up in the town square.”

"The algorithm gets to decide who gets heard,” added Claire Wardle, a Brown University professor who studies misinformation and social media moderation policies.

To Wardle, Musk sounds as if he is speaking from before 2016, when the extent of foreign misinformation campaigns shocked users and experts alike and accelerated more sophisticated moderation efforts that even now fall well short of their goals.

“We were just so naïve, because we didn’t understand the ways these platforms get weaponized,” Wardle said. “The idea that we would go back to where we were is a disaster.”

But it fits with the maverick entrepreneur’s well-documented disdain for regulations and regulators, whether they concern labor, auto safety or the stock market, critics noted.

Some Republicans have cheered Musk on as part of their argument that Twitter, which was the first platform to ban Donald Trump after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, has been unfair to conservatives.

But a successful takeover might make new regulation out of Washington more likely amid a broader effort to rein in large tech companies. “Consolidating control is not the way to protect democracy and enhance free expression,” said Samir Jain, the director of policy at Center for Democracy and Technology. “It will only exacerbate the concerns that people have over the degree to which these companies have influence over our discourse.”

If Twitter were to be taken private, its policies and decisions would become less transparent to policymakers and the general public — raising additional challenges for grappling with the role of tech companies, Baer said.

In the past year, Facebook whistleblowers have brought complaints to the SEC, alleging that the company misled investors about its efforts to address misinformation and accounts linked to pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine. But such challenges would not be possible at Twitter if the platform were privately controlled.

“There would be less public disclosure, there would be less independent oversight,” Baer said. “There would not be the ability of independent directors on the board or individual shareholders to challenge or shape the behavior of Twitter, if it’s held solely by one individual.”

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April 17, 2022 at 11:02PM

Twitter under one person's control frightens Internet safety experts - The Washington Post
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