, 40; Adam Scott, 49; Eddie Murphy, 61; Alec Baldwin, 64.

Happy Birthday: Take control. Be mindful of others and what they do, but don’t follow without good reason. Ponder over what works for you, and follow a path that offers insight, experience and fine-tuning your skills and attributes. Strive for perfection, and put everything in its place. Look inward and change whatever needs an overhaul. Positive thoughts and actions will push you in the right direction. Your numbers are 3, 14, 19, 22, 34, 39, 44.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Take a breather, and share memories with someone you love. A change of pace will help you decide your next move. Peace of mind is the goal, and making happy memories will bring you closer to someone you love. 3 stars

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Act in haste, and you’ll miss an opportunity. Spend more time discovering what life offers and what you can do with your attributes to gain ground or achieve the happiness you desire. You have more choices than you realize. 3 stars

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Know your worth, and stick to your plan. You owe it to yourself to do what makes you look, feel and be your best. Don’t let a change someone makes steal your thunder or ruin your plans. Nurture a meaningful relationship. 3 stars

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Take advantage of whatever comes your way. Rearrange your day to accommodate someone or something that can grant you a chance to explore something new and exciting. A financial gain or gift will come from an unexpected source. 4 stars

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Curb your habits and emotional responses. An intelligent approach to what others say or do will give you the edge you need to persuade others to see things your way. Personal growth, physical improvement and romance are featured. 2 stars

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Pitch in and make things happen. A change will help you revamp your lifestyle, giving you more time to spend with loved ones. It’s time to look at life and what you want through a different lens. Venture out and participate. 5 stars

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Broaden your outlook, friendships and pastimes, not your budget. Living within your means will ease stress and encourage you to enjoy life’s little pleasures, such as nature and other inexpensive marvels. Put more thought into personal gain, love and fitness. 3 stars

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Check your emotions at the door, and avoid getting into a debate with someone close to you. Be a good listener and offer unique suggestions. Be willing to compromise and share what you have to offer, and progress will follow. 3 stars

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Listen to sob stories, but don’t feel you have to cover for someone else’s mistake. Set standards and expectations that are doable, and be responsible for the outcome. A get-together with friends or relatives will be enlightening. 3 stars

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Reminiscing will shed light on a situation you face. Don’t argue a moot point when it’s best to look at the big picture and focus on how best to reach your destination. A change at home will ease stress. 5 stars

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Revise what you have to offer, and update your resume, website or presentation to represent the direction you want to pursue. Make a concerted effort to do the work yourself to avoid putting yourself in a vulnerable position. Self-improvement is favored. 2 stars

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You’ll crave change, but before you start the process, find out what’s required and follow proper protocol. How you handle bureaucracy will determine your success. You can be unique and stay within budget. Follow the rules and regulations. 4 stars

Birthday Baby: You are quick-witted, pioneering and persistent. You are genuine and cautious.

1 star: Avoid conflicts; work behind the scenes. 2 stars: You can accomplish, but don’t rely on others. 3 stars: Focus and you’ll reach your goals. 4 stars: Aim high; start new projects. 5 stars: Nothing can stop you; go for gold.

Visit Eugenialast.com, or join Eugenia on Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn.

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