By Sanir Banir Monday, November 30, 2020 Control Intelligence and security experts skeptical of claims that Iranian nuclear scientist was targeted in 'remote control' assassination - CNN A bulletproof car. A remote-controlled machine gun. A seemingly self-destructing vehicle. According to Iran's...
By Sanir Banir 5:22 PM Crowd Town restricts restaurant’s outdoor dining after unmasked patrons crowd bar - An Oakland restaurant will lose some of its outdoor dining privileges after a Facebook photo of patrons packed in it...
By Sanir Banir 3:22 PM Crowd 'Open LA:' Crowd gathers outside LA County public health director's home to protest COVID restrictions - KABC-TV LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- A small group of people gathered on Sunday to protest Los Angeles County's new coronaviru...
By Sanir Banir 12:36 PM Control Georgia Senate runoffs: The final battles for control of the US Senate - On January 5, control of the US Senate will be decided in two Georgia runoff elections. If Democrats win both races...
By Sanir Banir 5:22 AM Crowd The bar is raised for news that can lift the market as the crowd now believes next year will be good - CNBC Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. NYSE For most of the eight months since the...
By Sanir Banir 4:36 AM Control Barbra Streisand Is, as Ever, Firmly in Control - The New York Times THE DAY I arrive at Barbra Streisand’s property, she is on the phone with the Christie’s auction house in London....
By Sanir Banir Sunday, November 29, 2020 Control Packers control division race with 41-25 win over Bears - Packers lead Bears 27-10 at halftime The second quarter began with Rodgers rolling out and finding an open Lewis ...
By Sanir Banir 9:22 PM Crowd Do people work better without a crowd? - strategy+business On June 20, Manchester United’s star player Bruno Fernandes scored a late penalty to earn his team a draw against E...
By Sanir Banir 6:36 PM Control Control Teased As Next Big Xbox Game Pass Title On Twitter - Screen Rant The latest tease posted to Xbox Game Pass social media suggests that Control could be headed to the service very s...